There is a no-refund policy with BEB Course, all sales are final

“I just can't express how life changing this experience has been for me, the best investment in myself I've ever made."

“I stopped binge eating regularly. This meant I wasn't continously in a haze, wanting to sleep all day, I had more energy and best of all I could think clearer. I didn't hate myself anymore because of what I was doing to myself. Quite frankly, I've got my life back.”
Client Review, Sweden 

“Its worth it! You cannot put a price on your happiness and self worth. Thanks to Harriet there is now light at the end of the tunnel."

"I eat any food! Nothing is a ‘bad’ food! Which means I can eat food without the guilt and without the fear it will lead to a binge"
Client Review, Australia  

“You gave me the tools to change my life… worth every single penny 100x over!!!"

“Not even getting the urge to binge anymore! Far far far less anxious than before. Learning to not worry about everything all the time and not bingeing once during the course of therapy/since!!!”
Client Review, Australia  
  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

1. The Agreement

1.1. You “The Client” are agreeing to purchase a one-time service (“The Course” or sometimes referred to as "The Programme") with Harriet Curry “The Business”, “We”, “Harriet”. Our business address is 38 Hazelwood, Loughton, Essex, IG10 4ET, United Kingdom.

1.2. By agreeing to purchase The Course, you are confirming that you are of 18 years or older unless your circumstances apply to clause 1.3.1

1.3.1. If you are aged between 16 and 17 years old, a parent or caregiver reserves the right to give permission for you to purchase the Program and to agree to this contract

2. The Services

2.1. The Services (“Services”) we shall deliver as part of the Program are as follows:

2.1.1 Lifetime access to the course modules & materials within the online learning platform.

2.2. My delivery of the Services will be subject to these Agreement terms and you accept them when you agree to purchase my Programme and provide payment or part-payment of the Program Fee, unless we agree in writing otherwise

4. Your Obligations

4.1. You accept and understand that it is your responsibility to make time to complete the online learning modules in order to progress

4.2. You accept and understand that you are solely responsible for making decisions and taking appropriate action as a result of anything covered during the Program and that we shall not be liable for your failure to make decisions, put into action plans or strategy, or for any results whether direct or indirect arising out of your participation in the Programme or our delivery of the Services.

4.3. You accept and understand that purchasing this Programme is not a substitute for medical or psychatric services. If you are currently undergoing medical or other professional help concerning your mental health then you should provide your practitioner with details of this Program and inform us if appropriate and relevant.

4.4. Should you have any concerns whatsoever in relation to our delivery of this Programme then you agree to provide Harriet with details by email as soon as possible. We agree to use our reasonable efforts to work with you to resolve any concerns you may have.

4.5. You agree that any information you provide to us is true, correct, up to date and complete.

4.6. You understand that any resources or information that we provide to you as part of the Program are for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal, financial or medical advice.

4.7. You agree that all information that we disclose to you as part of the Program remains our intellectual property and you agree to comply with our rights in connection with the information, materials and resources we provide to you in accordance with Section 10 of this Agreement.

4.8. In the event you do act in a way which is disruptive, or which causes offense, distress or alarm, to any other Member / Client then you will be removed from any or all of the supporting online platforms in place for the Programme. Following such removal and exclusion we shall arrange a meeting with you to discuss the matter and to determine whether you shall be removed and/or excluded permanently from the Programme. Any such decision will be at our absolute discretion.

4.9. You accept and understand that, once signed, this Agreement can only be canceled or terminated in accordance with the relevant provisions contained within this Agreement and that refunds only apply as set out in Clause 9.

4.10. You accept and understand that participation in the Programme does not guarantee results or success. As part of the Programme you will have access to information, resources, people and support all designed to benefit and support you but it is your responsibility to take action and to implement the necessary information received and/or skills or tools shared.

4.11. You agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless for any action taken against us due to your violation or disregard of:

4.11.1. Any provision of this Agreement;
4.11.2. The Client’s participation in any way in the Programme.

5. Our Obligations

5.1. We agree to deliver the Programme and the Services to you with reasonable care and skill.

5.2. If we foresee a delay in communication from our side, we shall use our best endeavours to provide you with as much notice as possible.
5.3. There will be some dates throughout the year that Harriet and the Business are on vacation and we will not be able to deliver the Services. Should that ever be the case, the duration of Harriet’s time-off will be added to your package.
5.3.1. Furthermore, should Harriet and Company team take a vacation during the programme, reasonable effort will be made to prepare you for Harriet’s absence.

6. Therapeutic Confidentiality
6.1 As part of your therapeutic coaching journey, my full intent is for you to feel safe and comfortable, and to be able to talk to me freely without feeling any judgement or pressure. All information you provide remain strictly private and confidential.
6.2 The practitioner [Harriet Curry] does however have a responsibility for both the client and community at large, and thus some moral and legal limitations therefore apply to confidentiality which is important for you to understand:
6.2.1. If you were to disclose information involving serious criminal activity such as money laundering, terrorism or human trafficking or if a child or vulnerable adult was at serious risk of harm then I would have to break confidentiality.
6.2.2. Furthermore, if you were to discuss something that was a serious concern, such as serious harm to yourself and/or others (including animals), then I would be required to disclose this information to someone else in order to protect you and/or them.
6.2.3. If I have serious reason to believe that you are in harms way, I reserve the right to contact your GP (as per the details you provide) and/or your emergency contact. I will endeavour to speak to you first before engaging in communication with relevant third parties.

6.3. All information, verbal or written in notes, is treated as strictly private and confidential. All client information made on paper is kept in a secure place. Digital notes are kept protected with additional password security.

7. Payment terms

7.1. The fee for the Program and the payment schedule is as set out on your invoice.

7.2. Payment of the Fee shall be made via Stripe.

7.3. Initial enrollment is only confirmed once you have made the first payment, whether that be paying for the Program in full, or making the first instalment.

7.4. Where payment of the Fee is to be made by instalments, instalments should be made as agreed and presented on your invoice.

7.5. The Fee shall be paid without any deduction or any withholding except as may be required by law.

7.6. If you opt to fulfil the payment terms of the Program via payment instalments, you accept and understand the following:

7.6.1. Your instalments are set up automatically via Stripe, and process every 30 days for the payment period you agree to. For example, if you have opted to fufil the full payment terms with 3 instalments, the first payment will be made when you enroll into the Program, the second payment will process 30 days from the date you first paid, and the third payment with process 30 days from the second payment.

7.6.2 It is your responsibility to ensure you have sufficient monies in your chosen bank account during the period that the payment instalment is due

7.6.2 If your payment instalment fails, it is your responsibility to fulfil that payment within 24 hours. Payments that are not fulfilled with 24 hours are considered late payments.

7.7. If you need to change your payment details during the Program, you must inform us as soon as possible.

8. Late Payment

8.1. You shall be responsible for paying the Fee, or any instalment of the Fee, in full and on time.

8.2. If payment of the Fee is more than 7 days overdue, then a fixed administration fee of £60 shall be added to your account and we shall be entitled to withhold delivery of the Programme and Services until your account is brought up to date.

8.3. If payment of the Fee is beyond 14 days overdue then we shall be entitled to cancel our Agreement and seek recovery of the Fee along with any associated costs.

8. The Conditional Gurantee Policy: If this process is not working for you within 21 days, we will refund you your payment

8.1 A conditional guarantee is a guarantee that include “terms and conditions” to the guarantee.

8.2. What constitutes as “not working” is difficult to define when reaching a psychological goal as every individual is different. However, we want to make it abundantly clear that having binge eating episodes inside of the Program does not automatically mean that the process is “not working” as we believe that having binge eating episodes helps us understand your struggle more and provides us with an opportunity to learn and grow from the experience.

Furthermore, we under no circumstance promise to provide you with an instant fix - results are dependent on following a process and learning along the way.

This is why we will take into consideration all individual circumstances and reasonable requests of the process “not working”.

8.3. There are a number of conditions that we require you to meet to be eligible for the guarantee. If you do not meet these conditions, you will become ineligible to request a refund on this basis of this guarantee and no exceptions will be made. Please see the following conditions:

8.3.1. You must complete every weekly check-in form in full. If the weekly check-in form is either incomplete or has been completed to an effortless standard (i.e less than a few sentences for each question) you will be ineligible for the guarantee.

8.3.2 Your reasoning for the Program “not working” must be communicated to Harriet to provide an opportunity for us to problem solve and find a solution. If your reasoning for the Program “not working” is not communicated, you will be ineligible for the guarantee.

8.3.3 Following from the above, you must be able to show evidence of you implementing the offered solution for what is “not working”. If you cannot offer evidence of you implementing the offered solution, you will be ineligible for the guarantee.

8.3.4. You must communicate with Harriet via written or voice note communication every 3 days. If there has been 3+ days of disengagement, you will be ineligible for the guarantee.

8.3.5. You must have watched in full the lessons inside the module “Week 1: Foundations” and completed at least 50% of the lessons inside the module “Week 2, 3 and 4: Nutrition” of the online course provided to you (“The Binge Eating Blueprint”). If our records show that you have not completed the required lessons inside the online course within 21 days, you will be ineligible for the guarantee.

8.3.6. You must have not have breached any of the terms inside of this agreement

8.4. After 21 days of being inside of the Program, you are no longer eligible to request a refund on the basis of this guarantee.

8.5. If you are eligible for the refund, we will refund you your payment in full minus a fix administration fee of 2.9% + 30¢ of what you have paid. This is due to Stripe charging this amount to process the original payment.

9. Refund Policy

9.1. No refund policy shall apply to your purchase of the Programme except for the circumstances set out in Clause 8, Clause 9.2, and Clause 11.3

9.2. Once you sign up for the Program, you have a 24 hour grace period to request a a full refund minus a fix administration fee of 2.9% + 30¢ of what you have paid. This is due to Stripe charging this amount to process the original payment.

24 hours starts from the moment you sign up and after 24 hours, there is a strict no refund policy except for the clauses outlined above in 9.1.

10. Cancellation and Termination (Including Pauses & Extensions)

10.1. This Agreement between us may be terminated by either one of us giving the other notice by email in the following circumstances:

10.1.1. Either one of us breaches a term of this Agreement, and where it is a breach capable of remedy, fails to remedy that breach within 14 days of being notified by the other person; or

10.1.2. Either one of us breaches a term of this Agreement which is incapable of being remedied; or

10.1.3. You provide us with 14 days’ notice to cancel this Agreement. Please remember that no refunds apply and you will be liable for full payment of the Fee despite giving notice of cancellation.

10.2. We reserve the right to limit delivery of the Programme or suspend, and/or terminate this Agreement without refunding any Fee, whether paid, or remaining due, if we reasonably determine that you are:

10.2.1. Preventing us from delivering the Programme and the Services in any way. Such behaviour shall include, but not be limited to, displaying a lack of interest in the Programme or Services, repeatedly ignoring or failing to respond to emails or other messages, communicating in a way which is abusive or intended to cause offense to us or another Group Member; and/or

10.2.2. Failing to follow or abide by any term of this Agreement, whether such action constitutes a material breach or not.

10.3. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason:

10.3.1. Any Fee or other monies owing to us shall become immediately due and payable;

10.3.2. Any term of this Agreement which either expressly or by its nature relates to the period of time after termination and/or the Services have been delivered, shall remain in full force and effect;

10.3.3. You agree to stop using, either directly or indirectly any Confidential Information, and shall immediately return to us any documents in your possession or control which contain any Confidential information.

10.4. If you wish to pause the programme for any reason, we can permit this with the following conditions:

10.4.1. Pausing only pauses the delivery of Services inside of the Program

10.4.2. Pausing does not pause the payment structure, and you are still liable to make your payment as per the original agreement.

11. Events outside of our control

11.1. Whilst we shall make every effort to deliver the Programme to you, certain events may arise which are outside of our control and which may affect our ability to deliver the Programme. Such events may include an Act of God, Strike, War, Riots, Lock Outs, Fire, Flood, Accident, Delays in Transit, any Act/Omission of a Telecommunications officer or Third-Party Supplier of Services, or any other circumstances beyond our control (“Events’). Should an Event occur then the timescales for delivery of the Programme shall be extended until a reasonable time after the Event, and under no circumstances shall we be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result.

11.2. We acknowledge the importance of telecommunications to the delivery of the Programme and agree to use our reasonable endeavours to seek alternative arrangements to limit any delay caused by issues or failure of Telecommunications services. This clause will not apply where an Event occurs.

11.3. In the event we are unable to deliver the Programme as a result of an Event occurring, you will be entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving notice in writing. In the event of such termination we shall agree upon a fair and reasonable pro-rata payment for all Services provided up to the date of termination.

12. Confidentiality, Intellectual Property and Data Protection

12.1. For the purposes of this Agreement Confidential Information shall mean personal information, ideas, any business practices, materials, content, documents, video and audio recordings, presentations, resources, downloads, podcasts, workbooks or any other confidential and/or proprietary information (“Confidential Information”).

12.2. In order for you to benefit fully from this Programme, you accept that you will be encouraged to disclose Personal Data and / or Confidential Information. We understand and respect the value of such information and shall not, either directly or indirectly, communicate or disclose, make available to, or use for our own benefit or for the benefit of any other person or entity any Confidential Information that you may disclose to us or that may be disclosed as part of your participation in the Programme other than to our employees, contractors, agents or advisors, to the extent necessary for delivery of the Programme.

12.3. Confidential Information, for the purposes of this Agreement excludes any information that:

12.3.1. Was already known to us prior to being provided with that information by you;

12.3.2. Is already accessible in the public domain;

12.3.3. Is provided to us by a third party separately from this Agreement and without any breach of the terms of this Agreement; or

12.3.4. Is produced, developed or collated by us independently of you and without any breach of the terms of this Agreement.

12.4.Where we process your personal data we shall do so in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Notice which can be found on our website at []

12.5. We are grateful to receive testimonials, feedback, comments, reviews, images or similar information (“Reviews”). As part of this Agreement you consent for us to exhibit, copy, publish, distribute, use on or in any of our website, pages, other social media sites, advertising, marketing campaigns or email communications any of these Reviews as we reasonably require to lawfully promote our business. You can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing us.

12.6. By purchasing the Programme you hereby agree and undertake that from the date of this Agreement:

12.6.1. Not to infringe any of our copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights;

12.6.2. That any Confidential Information disclosed by is confidential and proprietary, and belongs solely and exclusively to the person disclosing it;

12.6.3. Not to disclose, communicate, reproduce, distribute, make available to or use for your own benefit, whether personally or commercially, and whether directly or indirectly any Confidential Information disclosed or provided by us or any Group Member, or use any materials and/or resources provided by us during delivery of the Programme in any manner other than as necessary as part of your participation in the Programme;

12.6.4. Not to use any of our Confidential Information or other materials or resources for any purposes which are unlawful, would cause harm or distress to another person, or would cause damage to our business or reputation;

12.6.5. That all information and data provided by us whether marked Confidential or not is our confidential and proprietary intellectual property and belongs solely and exclusively to us, and may only be used by you as expressly authorised by us and nothing in this Agreement constitutes a transfer of any intellectual property or grant of a license or any right to use unless expressly agreed in writing by us;

12.7. As part of our delivery of the Services we shall grant to you a personal, limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable licence to access and use the materials and resources we provide solely for your private and personal use. Your licence becomes valid upon payment of the Fee and any other monies owing to us.

12.8. Where any of the materials and resources we provide contain intellectual property belonging to a third party, your use of that material will be governed by that third party’s terms and it shall be your responsibility to seek consent to use that material. We will not be liable to you in connection with your use or attempted use of any materials which contain intellectual property belonging to a third party.

13. Liability

13.1. We have made every effort to accurately represent the Programme and the Services. Any testimonials and/or examples of results experienced are not intended to represent or guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. Your individual success depends on many factors, including your background, dedication, desire, and motivation.

13.2 .We shall not be liable to you for any indirect, consequential or special damages.

13.3. In the event you incur damages as a result of our default or violation of any of the terms of this Agreement, then our entire liability under this Agreement is limited to the Fee amount paid by you to us as at the time the loss is sustained.

13.4. Throughout the duration of the Programme and at any time thereafter, you agree to take no action which is intended, or would reasonably be expected, to harm Harriet, her company, agents, employees, contractors, or clients, or its or their reputation or which would reasonably be expected to lead to unwanted or unfavourable publicity to us, our agents, employees, contractors, or clients.

13.5. Should a dispute arise between us in connection with this Agreement which we are unable to resolve amicably then we both agree to refer the matter to an independent mediator for resolution. In the event an agreement can still not be reached then legal action can be commenced.

13.6. Neither one of us shall be liable to the other or be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of our obligations if the delay or failure is due to any cause beyond that party’s reasonable control.

13.7. You agree to indemnify us against any costs, liability, damages, loss, expenses, claims that we incur as a result of your default or violation of any term of this Agreement.

14. Notice

14.1. Any reference in this Agreement to the provision of a notice shall mean notice in writing sent by email to the email address included in this Agreement. All emails will be taken as delivered 48 hours from valid transmission.

14.2. If you change your contact email address it will be your responsibility to notify us so that we can update your records.

15. General

15.1. The failure of either one of us to actively enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver, diminution or limitation of any right (including any enforcement rights).

15.2. In the event any provision of this Agreement is deemed to be invalid, or unenforceable for any reason then that provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall remain valid and enforceable.

15.3. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between us and supersedes all other negotiations, drafts, correspondence and discussions prior to the date this Agreement is signed and no modification to this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by us both.

15.4. You agree that no other representations have been made by us to induce you into purchasing the Programme.

16. Applicable Law

16.1. This Agreement is formed in the United Kingdom, which is our principal place of business, and this Agreement and the rights of us both shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales.

I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xBEB Online Course£333

All prices in GBP